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Devoted Studies


* KA NA RU * Gallery and Crafters' garden



I took a picture at the outdoor book corner I found at Lokia's Soryu Gallery. It's the best to be able to read in the sunlight filtering through the trees.

- wear - @ Uber

VINYL - Neo Night Skirt with Neon

VINYL - Neo Night Top with Neon


- Pet -

JIAN Ragdoll Cat Collection :: Companion (Add me!)

こちらは、*KA NA RU*のお庭 ギャラリーの見学終わったらのんびり散策するのもいいですよ。

This is *KA NA RU*'s garden.

- Hair -

TRUTH / Twist /

- glass -

[Cubic Cherry] {Gaia} glasses PINK

lel EvoX KAYA / Legacy


VINYL > mainstore Flickr


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